Clan Lachlan
Association of Canada
& Clan MacLachlan
Family Genealogy:
Clan Genealogist or Sennachie
Tom McLachlan(1) was one of the founding members of the Society and
asked by the late Marjorie Maclachlan of Maclachlan, the 24th Chief, to
be the Chairman of the Clan Council. More importantly Tom (1) is the
Clan Genealogist.
Every Highland community and clan had its Seanachaidh, Shenachie or Sennachie
who was a professional recorder and reciter of family history and
Proper respect for one's genealogy and ancestors was important
in all dealings and in warfare between Highlanders.
In earlier times the Sennachie,
based on his knowledge, played the role of Herald at Arms; he never
bore arms and his person was sacred on the battlefield.
Tom is the Sennachie for
the Clan
Clan Genealogist: T.F. McLachlan(1)
E mail:
MacLachlan Families in Scotland
Tom as Sennachie is
surveys of parishes and counties in the early to
mid 19th century;
the histories of the families from these
the individual histories of MacLachlans in the
professions and trades in the military, in medicine, as master mariners
descriptions of the conditions of life
prevailing at that time.
history of the Chief's family.
this history is included in the Lachlan Library which can
only be obtained by a donation to the Lachlan Trust.
See Order Form.
MacLachlan Family DataBase
For more than thirty years the Clan Genealogist has been
collecting information on MacLachlans.
Our existing records cover approaching 15,000 families mostly
of the 19th century.
Usually a family can be found if particulars of a husband and
wife living in Scotland can be given as clues or a precise date of
birth from 1855 and the names of siblings.
Family Records:
Our aim is to record where possible:
the years and places of birth, marriage and
wives' names, parents' names, children's names,
their spouses,
occupations, places of abode and military
The records of the people of our Clan are based on research
Old Parish Registers of Scotland (pre 1855)
Marriages and deaths of males in Scotland from
Census records up to 1891
Indexes of Births, deaths and marriages in
England and Wales.
Soundex of the US census for 1880, 1900, 1910
and 1920.
County records of North Carolina
Births, deaths and marriages in Ontario from
1869 for as long as these are in the public domain. 1871 census index,
county records etc.
Our records of McLaughlins and other spellings
common to Irish families are not up to the standard of the records of
Scottish versions of the name. The reasons are twofold:
at present we have no members living in Ireland
willing to undertake the task.
the Irish records are deficient as regards
census returns etc.
Work in Progress:
A Canadian Data Base is
available in the Lachlan Library.
The project is to document all Ontario families, trace their past from
Scotland, through the Canadian Maritimes and Quebec, and their
migrations to Western Canada and through Michigan and other border
states into the USA.
Building on this it is planned to document all
United States families and find their origins in Scotland or if
possible in Ireland.
Your Family History
has been collected by Canadian members from the past 59 issues of the
lachlan magazine and new members are added as they join . It now covers
1000 members. It is available in the Lachlan Library.
Progressively all clan records plus
Family Histories from members will be included in the Lachlan Library which will be
on a continuing basis.
Genealogy Reference Data
A comprehensive collection
of sources
and websites is listed in the Lachlan Library.
Information for Members
All these projects will be published with the
intention that all MacLachlan related families from then on can know
who their forebears were and understand the traditions of their
ancestors. As we add the families of new members we are creating an
"evolving data base" more and more we can not only supplement member's
own records with earlier information on their families but with the
existence of other branches of the same family "root". We are finding
members living thousands of miles apart who are directly related.
This research is only available to Members of the Society. All our
research is original and a labour of love and dedication. We are all
working together to discover not only our roots but our relationships
in the world wide MacLachlan family.
Web Master.
, the Clan MacLachlan Society & the
Lachlan Trust of Canada: Reg.