Clan Lachlan Association of
& Clan MacLachlan Society
The clan lachlan CD
The CD could only be obtained by a donation to
Lachlan Trust of Canada or the Lachlan Trust. Any contribution of
US$35.00 or more to the benefit of the Lachlan Trust would entitle the
donor or Gift Recipient to a
CD. From its inception in 2001, purchase of the CD has been a fund raiser
first for Kilmorie Chapel and now for the old castle lachlan
project. The updated CDs each have separate disc labels featuring Clan scenes.
One of the major objectives of the Clan Society is "to preserve for all
time the records and traditions of the clan and to update these on a continuing
basis through the years." and for members is "to collect and
preserve records and traditions and material bearing on the Clan and Septs and
their collective experience in different parts of the world."
The CD captures and preserves these records in digital form which means that
the records can be printed out for a "paper" copy at any time and are
preserved accurately and economically in indestructible media for all time. The
updated edition of the CD is stored in the collection of National Library of
Scotland for a permanent record of the clan.
Descriptions of CD
The clan
lachlan CD is in the form of a library of E books. All information
on the CD has been encoded as PDF files. This is the world wide
standard for
exchanging scientific, engineering and business information..The CDs
includes complete issues of the "clan lachlan" from 1998. Articles from
27 years issues of the clan lachlan are included. There are articles on
our Celtic and Scottish heritage. There is a gallery of Photos of the
Clan. There is a collection of prints paintings and photographs showing
Scotland's History through the ages. There is a collection of
historical papers relating to the MacLachlans in Scotland. There are
also records and articles reflecting the collective experience of the
Clan in Ireland, Australia, Canada, New Zealand & the USA.
Extensive genealogical records include: the Families of Scotland from
the work of the Sennachie; the Family Histories of members; the Story
of our Family from members; detailed genealogical records for Scottish
parishes collected over thirty years by the Sennachie and members.
: each year we add two complete issues of the magazine, clan lachlan;
any genealogical research or Story of our Family added by new and
existing members; new articles published on our Celtic and Scottish
Major Change
In 2011 we realized that the volume of E books now available from
major libraries of the world and the explosion in the availability of E
books required a major change in our storage and preservation
of historical and genealogy information. Duncan MacLachlan(41), the
creator and publisher of the clanlachlan CD, created the Lachlan Library. It includes all the information previously on the CD and over 130 E Books from the major libraries of the world. Through
Lachlan Editions.members can have their family histories preserved in
their own E Books which are available for future generations.
year the complete contents of the Lachlan Library will be recorded on a
DVD and filed in the National Library of Scotland.
Order Form
Web Master. E mail:
, the Clan MacLachlan Society & the Lachlan Trust of Canada: Reg.